Becoming Whole: #26- the Multidimensional Self

Say the name, Jude Currivan, and I sigh now with adoration. What a marvelous exemplar of human aliveness and wholeness: intelligent, loving, grounded, humorous, thorough, delighted with sacred science, aware and responsive, passionate about the possibilities for humanity’s conscious evolution, the possibilities for the human species to mature. She’s our 4th presenter for Thriving in the Emerging New World and her topic is: A New View of Reality.

And what a view it is. It’s not new to me, since I’ve experienced it throughout my life but I haven’t been confident in it…I’ve pushed my world view and life experience to the side because they didn’t belong in my culture which separates matter from energy, separates head from heart, separates body from earth, separates the rational from the imaginal, separates haves from have-nots, separates human from all other life, separates right hemisphere from left hemisphere, separates separates separates.

One reason I had to go back to school to get a PhD was to support my fragile ego in a world which challenged my legitimacy, my life experience. I needed to prove I belonged to respectability. I wanted to be considered normal. I am scholarly, I am intelligent, I am NOT a new-age hippie, oh nooooooooo. I belong to the intellectual camp, the upper-crust even though I came from the wrong side of the tracks. But sadly the PhD degree really didn’t boost my confidence. I moved to Montana where academia had never heard of my prestigious alma-mater. AND I kept myself hidden in the hallowed halls of one of the most academically challenging institutions because even there, I was an anomaly. Back in the 1970’s I experienced the extant psychological theories as incomplete, one-sided. Ex: during the final oral analysis of my written exams by an impartial panel, a professor told me: “I had to fight for you, Deborah. Another colleague wanted to disqualify you because you answered two questions from totally disparate points of view. He said,”No one can do that without cheating.” I said, “Deborah can!”

I was as shocked by her colleague’s reaction as I was by her support, her confidence in me. During the five years we’d been in each other’s presence, I stayed as far away from her as I could because I thought she didn’t like me. How sad is that?  (This is a good example of why I write in my last post – thinking is a pain in the butt -)

 So here comes Jude Currivan all these years later, testifying to how hard it is to know who we really are when our cultural world view, especially in the west, the northern hemisphere, denies belonging to a multi-dimensional body, planet, universe. After several hundred years of mechanistic science, we have forgotten what our ancient ancestors knew. We humans are embedded in 13.7 billion years of evolution, our intelligence goes way beyond the brain in our heads, that patterns in the cosmos are the same patterns in us.  I remember seeing the back side of my first grandchild’s placenta – River tributaries flowed there, veins on a leaf supported green-ness there, blood vessels swollen with life nourished there, reminding me of the archetypal branching patterns of the tree of life. We belong to all of it, to all of that from conception to dying and beyond! Science now affirms through proof of non-locality and a host of other discoveries over the last 15 years, especially data compiled in just the last 2 or 3 years, that everything about us is connected to everything else. Jude describes her response after finishing her book: The Story of Gaia- The Big Breath and the Evolutionary Journey of Our Conscious Planet – “…I ended in tears. I ended in such an overwhelming sense of gratitude for our beloved planetary home and our beloved universal home; appreciation for all that we’ve come from…the universal wisdom teachings, the teachings of our indigenous family. This really can take us…to re-membering, not just remembering, but re-membering who we really are from this dismemberment of this illusion of separation.”

She points out that settled science (that which is not controversial anymore) supports the “emergent nonlocally unified cosmology of a multidimensional Universe, which naturally includes supernormal phenomena and attributes. They’re natural to us. They are our heritage. They’re our lineage.” Her list of phenomena and attributes includes telepathy, remote viewing, the power of intention, intuition, synchronicity, presentiment and precognition.

For me, her scientific corroboration is a breath of fresh air and a resounding, “YES!”

How do you respond to these ideas?

About Deborah

Deborah Jane Milton, Ph.D. is an artist, mentor, writer, mother of four, grandmother of eight. who inspires humanity's Great Turning: our evolution to living as a "whole" human, with headbrain and bodymind collaborating, with science and spirit dancing, with rationality, intuition and the ephemeral co-creating.
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