The Others Show Up

My painting hangs on my bedroom wall where I can see it while lying in bed. The image haunts me – in a good way. It keeps showing me faces and forms, often when I’m not wearing my glasses! When I put my glasses back on, it’s often hard for me to see what I’d seen moments before. Thus, the image feels fluid, alive, mysterious, and I learn once again how valuable soft focus can be.

The salmon I saw last week has been consistently swimming in a swirling pool through all these intervening days, so I know I want to begin with revealing the fish. Which I do.  A lovely, intimate experience in which I get totally involved with putting marks on paper, caring nothing for the larger image or what is leading what/where. It doesn’t matter. I am simply making marks and loving the process.

salmon surfaces (300x225)

Comes a moment though when I have to step back, take a photo, assess what next and then I see, for certain, a bear face hidden over to the left behind hands. I bring the “bearish” face into being and then realize, there’s a huge black eye right near the bear. I have to do something with that and look who shows up. Whatever it is, I love it.

bear facesecond face

I go back to working on the salmon’s pool and realize there is an arm extending from the hand to the right and a hand/arm that need clarification on the left. As I am bringing those into being, my foot flips one of my big paint brushes into my palette, covering it with blue, green and black, all along the handle and the bristles. I take that as a sign – doodle on the paper to clean the brush and use up that precious paint. So I do.


hands and blue

I step back and survey the whole. MMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I feel a humanoid calling and notice two blue dots up to the far right. They’re widely spaced and I think maybe an ET figure is meant to be there, but when I begin dealing with the head shape, it turns into a woman. And as I paint her, I have to cover up a black hand but I know the hand will be painted again on top of her mouth. She is the compassionate, silenced woman – a planetary call if ever there was one.

She (225x300)

The photo below is my ending point for week 3. I love this experience of evolving, of fertilizing and growing. Feels REAL. And I love the not knowing where this image will take me next.

wk 3

About Deborah

Deborah Jane Milton, Ph.D. is an artist, mentor, writer, mother of four, grandmother of eight. who inspires humanity's Great Turning: our evolution to living as a "whole" human, with headbrain and bodymind collaborating, with science and spirit dancing, with rationality, intuition and the ephemeral co-creating.
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4 Responses to The Others Show Up

  1. pjsixft says:

    You left your mark on my life as no other…….and I had, before knowing you and learning from you…not known I am an artist. Such inspiration again this early morning…awakening so much earlier than I wished …but so delighted to ”come across your blog” so warm my own spirit to my hunger to paint again ……”today!!!” … heart says… dear friend and mentor. Love is in the wind….heading your way from my home here in Polson.


    • Deborah says:

      thank you, PJ. I am touched by your poetic affirmation. When walking with the dog tribe this morning in the forest, ( my neighbor’s two dogs accompanied my two ), my thoughts rambled over what to title the kind of painting classes I want to begin doing now that I am officially a BIG/DEEP painter with acrylics and tempera…Paint True came to me. Let me know what you think. I want to offer the creative compass for journeying along the path to authenticity and passionate aliveness. Any ideas for a descriptive, catchy title?


  2. Loren says:

    I love your process and where this piece is going. Thank you for sharing.


    • Deborah says:

      Thank you Loren. I know what’s coming next in the chronicle. You’ll be surprised…at least I was when I actually acted on the idea that came to me…also while I was walking in the forest.


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